Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Altan Ovoo is available in English

Зохиолч Г.Мэнд-Ооёогийн “Алтан Овоо” хөлгөн судар англи хэлнээ анх 2007 онд орчуулагдан хэвлэгджээ. Уг хэвлэлийн засаж сайжруулсан хоёр дахь хэвлэл “Altan Ovoo” ном саяхан хэвлэгдлээ. Английн орчуулагч, судлаач Саймон Вэккхам-Смитийн орчуулгаар хоёр дах удаагаа англи хэлт уншигчдад хүрч буй эл бүтээл нь монгол хэлнээ таван удаа хэвлэгдсэн билээ.

  Altan Ovoo, first published in 1993, represents the Mongolian poet G Mend-Ooyo’s greatest literary achievement to date.  He refers to it as an almanac, relating his own experience growing up in the Dariganga region of Mongolia, and presenting the history and customs of his homeland through the focus of the topographical Altan Ovoo of the title.
Altan Ovoo stretches across time, but it is not a history; it speaks of Mongolian culture, but it is not a cultural guidebook:  rather it reveals an individual’s feeling for, understanding of and closeness to the worlds of dream and magic, the power of language, the closeness of family and the hardships and joys of nomadic life.  Mend-Ooyo’s vision presents us with a world of flying horses, musicians, highway robbery, nomadic travel, astrology, hills and mountains, steppes and weather, lovers and words, a world through which the story of humanity gradually unfolds, both implicitly and explicitly, carried on the back both of metaphor and story.
“Altan Ovoo is a true song of home. I do not know of another work of such pure, imaginative power”

“Through the flow of power across the mirror of his mind, a flow which is not dependent upon the awakening of form, omens, intuition, dreams or feeling, G.Mend-Ooyo engages with the power of the local spirits and guardians of his own country, and passes to us a translation of the secret language of that country…”

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