poetry is firmly rooted within his Mongolian heritage – a heritage that
is simultaneously embedded within and distinct from the entire
universe. Hence, from the very opening poem In Search Of Myself
the poet engages us not only with a superb lyricism but also a profound
philosophy that has obviously been garnered over many decades of
reflective study.
Meditation allows him, no, impels him, towards an empathetic identity
with the whole of creation. This relationship encompasses the winds on
his beloved steppe – where he led a nomadic life - as well as being
‘worn away with the rocks’ and journeying ‘to heaven with the last old
man who can intone epic tales.’ In his affinity he crosses
boundaries that may be viewed as an impediment to lesser mortals, and
even now, in his mature years, he continues his quest to discover his
own unique position, the raison d’etre for his existence.
I exist in unnumbered places, I go everywhere,
wandering and withering away in my search for embodiment.
(In Search Of Myself)
persistence, such courage, is not given to everyone - most would simply
settle for a philosophy by which to exist comfortably within the world,
and quite possibly a limited world at that. The poet’s deep involvement
with Buddhism fuels his philosophy and from this life-long involvement
he draws his strength. This strength lends an urgency to Mend-Oyoo’s
poetry in his chronicling of his pursuit of selfhood that is so lucidly
and lyrically expressed that he has indeed
…I sewed my poem-children with a perfect silken thread.
(Song Of The Moon)
achieving an acknowledged eminence in many fields including, as is
evident here, being a distinguished poet, his humanity is evident in his
love of his family and willingness to engage in the simplest of tasks
to give even the youngest of them great pleasure.
….for my grandson Bilgüüdei I have cut a felt fox.
(The Cycle Of The Life Of Stars And The Way Of Men)
position as the President of the Academy of Poetry and Culture
necessitates that he travels throughout the world, engaging in
conferences and projects which impact upon world literature yet, as he
so endearingly indicates,
Far from home, I am suffering, missing my wife’s tea.
(The Cycle Of The Life Of Stars And The Way Of Men)
travels began many decades ago when he moved from the steppe to the
capital and spent years becoming used to a noisy city. His adaptation to
a totally foreign life to that of his boyhood may be regarded as
complete when one hears his mobile phone constantly ringing, his office
crowded with visitors from Russia, England, Korea, America, in fact from
all points of the compass. However, his heart remains faithful to the
old ways learnt on the blue-haze steppe, including veneration of his
ancestors. Despite all his achievements the modest Mend-Oyoo knows that
to leave behind one’s heritage is to court disaster.
When the sorrowful horse fights against its homeland,
When the dark mirage runs away towards the plain,
Then, even the human child's freedom is hindered.
(When The Sorrowful Horse Fights Against Its Homeland…)
rich tapestry of poetry which Mend-Oyoo weaves will live long in the
mind of the Western reader. His exploration of the intimate connection
between the personal and the universal is expressed with delicate
perception and an undoubted gift for language. An
added bonus for Western readers is that the book is an informative,
introductory insight into the Mongolian psyche – a psyche which embraces
the topography not simply of Mongolia or even the universe but of the
world beyond this world, an ‘otherness’ which travels with the poet as
surely as his nomadic ancestors.
by Ruth O'Callaghan